Member: User_42egnk
I am working with him for the second time and he is such a great expert.
May 2 2018
Member: User_vj4bke
I am really please with the service provided by Syed. He helped me complete my work, explaining to me basic as well as advanced concepts. Based on the two times he has helped me, I have no hesitations to recommend him as a tutor.
May 1 2018
Member: User_wb6bjr
Great work!!!
Apr 17 2018
Member: User_wb6bjr
Great tutor!!!
Apr 10 2018
Member: User_42egnk
I strongly recommend him and if I can give him more than five stars then I will. Briefly, he is not only very helpful, but he is also honest and kind.
Apr 6 2018
Member: rhaylee
SyedMentor is by far the best tutor on PrestoExperts! He is super helpful, understanding, patient and just all around awesome! If i could give him more than 5 stars I would!
Feb 22 2018
Member: rhaylee
Best tutor I have ever worked with on this site. If i could give more then 5 stars, i would.
Feb 2 2018

  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.