Jill Sweetman

Jill Sweetman Away
Expert in:
Sex Therapy

I have not just the education and experience concerning self esteem but am one whom has worked through this area personally. I have built a successful and happy life.


Bachelor of Education, Diploma of Counseling, Master of Arts: Counseling, Doctor of Philosophy: Counseling with Distinction, Life Coach Certification

My Expert Service

Issues with self esteem are found amongst many despite what we may believe. I provide expertise but I am also empathetic and compassionate. My original degree is in education and so I have spent years teaching children through to young adults regarding esteem. I have worked with people, often in high levels of leadership in business, regarding their esteem. I've seen the results of poor esteem and therefore am highly motivated to enable others to conquer such. I've also spent several years helping creative young adults navigate this area in life in order that they could build successful careers.

Experience & Qualifications

I have spent the last twenty years as an international speaker regarding topics such as self esteem. I've also taught on anxiety and depression that accompany issues regarding belief in self. I've also spent many hours counseling one on one, in various cultures around the world. Since I've held a high position in my career for over fifteen years, I've seen an enormous array of struggles regarding esteem and have seen many outstanding results through my counseling. My education and practical experience allow me to not just be knowledgable but relate to people of various ages and cultures.