G. Max

G. Max Away
Expert in:

Control System Engineer offers expert tutoring in MATLAB programming, scripting, toolboxes and Simulink/GUI.


BSc., in Electrical Engineering (Control Systems) MSc., in Electrical Engineering (Control Systems and Robotics) MSc., in Engineering Management (Management and Finance) PhD., in Control Systems and Robotics (in progress)

My Expert Service

I can provide excellent tutoring service in the following fields: Advanced Numerical Methods and Analysis, Mathematical Optimization and Optimal Control, Operations Research, Business Management and Finance, Linear Control Theory, System Identification, Nonlinear and Robust Control, Soft Computing, MATLAB Programming, Functional Analysis, Differential Equations, Multibody Dynamics, Robotics.

Experience & Qualifications

I am currently working as a PhD researcher and I have gained significant experience in Control Systems and Robotics over the past few years. During my research I was involved in several large-scale projects i.e. formation control of unmanned marine vehicles, multibody modelling, identification and time-optimal control of ground vehicles and passenger cars. I have also been a teaching assistant for Control Systems theory and Artificial Intelligence for undergraduates and graduates and have given several lectures in these subjects over the past years. I have expert knowledge in the following fields: Advanced Numerical Methods and Analysis Iterative root finding, Fix-point, Bisection, False position, Newton-Raphson method, Numerical Differentiation, Numerical Integration, Simpson’s Rule, Romberg Integration, Quadratures, Linear Systems, Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iteration, Pivoting, Successive over Relaxation (SOR), Nonlinear Systems, Secant, Halley’s, Horner’s, Broyden’s method, Interpolation, Cubic Splines, Hermite and Legendre Interpolating Polynomials, Pade approximation, Bezier curves, Curve fitting, Least Squares (LS), Logistic fit, Nonlinear Curve fitting, Trigonometric Polynomials, Differential Equations (ODE), Euler and Adaptive Runge-Kutta technique, Direct Multiple Shooting method, Discretization, Boundary Value Problem (BVP), Partial Differential Equations (PDE), Finitie Difference method, Crank-Nicholson method, Optimization techniques, Newton-method, Gradient, Conjugate Gradient method. Advanced Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra Matrix Exponential, Hessenberg factorization, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), QR Factorization, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, Power methods, Jacobi method, Householder transformation, LU decomposition, Dyadic product, Euclidean space, Matrix norms, System of Linear Equations, Row echelon form, Rank, Image, Kernel, Nullity, Basis, Gaussian elimination, Linear Matrix and Adjoint Transformation, Bilinear and Quadratic forms, Invariant Subspace, Determinants, Matrix Inversion, Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, General Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problem, Diagonalization, Jordan canonical form, Numerical techniques, Spectral decomposition, Projection, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Matrix functions, Hermitian Matrix, Matrix equations, Hypermatrices, Stochastic matrices. MATLAB Programming MATLAB implementation and usage of the presented methods and algorithms above, Code and Error Analysis, Scripting and Functions, Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Simulink Model simulation, MATLAB Toolboxes employed: Control System, Curve Fitting, Econometrics, Financial, Fuzzy Logic, General Optimization, Optimization, Model Predictive, Partial Differential, Robust Control, Signal Processing, Statistics, Symbolic Math, System Identification.