Beth C, MA

Beth C, MA Away
Expert in:
Religious Coaching

Coaching using a process based on spiritual principles of compassion, empathy, and honesty. Beneficial to relationships and emotional well-being with many applications.


Bachelor of Arts, Psychology; Master of Arts, Communication Sciences

My Expert Service

"Compassion is knowing your darkness well enough to sit in the dark with others – it is a relationship of equals, not a relationship between the helper and the helped.” ~Pema Chödrön.****** We all need understanding and empathy in our lives to thrive. Empathic support is one of the services that I provide. I am here to listen without judgment, and offer honest support.****** I am also available for coaching. I specialize in interpersonal skills for all types of relationships, including skills for relating with one’s self. A process that I use in coaching is beneficial for both relationships and emotional well-being. From this coaching, you can expect an enhanced ability to…Have more fulfilling relationships…Connect more deeply with others and yourself... Communicate what matters to you in a way that is most likely to be heard...Be honest without triggering defensiveness...Handle criticism directed at you...Transform patterns of thinking that lead to anger, depression, and guilt...Understand what is important to you…Hear the needs behind others’ words…Experience healing of emotional pain…Have a greater sense of self-worth…Resolve internal and external conflicts...Experience more of what you want in your life.****** If you are interested in learning “Compassionate Communication (CC)”, also known as “Nonviolent Communication (NVC)”, I am available for teaching. This is a communication model and worldview that has been used successfully around the world to help people to communicate more effectively, and to transform ways of thinking for deeper understanding and increased inner peace. It is also a practical tool for implementing spiritual practices of empathy and compassion.

Experience & Qualifications

I have over 20 years of experience as a communication professional. I have been practicing Compassionate Communication for several years. My training includes over 160 hours of training in CC. I have experience coaching a variety of applications, such as interpersonal skills for relationships, stress and anger management, improved self-esteem, parenting, spiritual growth, self-discovery, accomplishment of goals/needs, and business interactions. Personally and professionally, CC has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. In my personal use, and in my observation of others’ experience of this process, I have witnessed greater peace, enhanced empathy, and deeper connections in relationships. It is a passion of mine to share this process with others. I have been practicing aspects of mindfulness for several years and recently incorporated it more into my services.