Member: Donna Gray-Davis MS
This gentleman is the most cogent, comprehensively informed, least here-I-am-on-my-pedest al-and-you're-not supervisor I have enjoyed since 1955. Donna Gray-Davis, M.S.
Aug 27 2008
Member: Donna Gray-Davis MS
I do wish it were possible to learn by osmosis--in such an event, I would simply touch the keys and quickly absorb the man's expertise. Unfortunately it still doesn't work that way. lol
Aug 20 2008
Member: Jill
Thank you Felix, I really appreciate your insights. I will ruminate on this all week, and get back to you as there are more considerations I need to look at. As to what I really want..not just if he will come forward. I think I need to find ways to contact what I really want. thanks again
Aug 11 2008
Member: Jill
I really appreciate this input, and it is the most appropriate and clear information I have received. I will continue to use Felix to help me in my life situations.
Aug 10 2008
Member: rainydaysarehere
a helpful expert, genuinely tries - need to come back later after doing some reasearch and thinking-work as suggested
Jul 9 2008
Member: mel
Great session.
Aug 29 2007
Member: greeniiie
excellent, highly recommended!!
Aug 19 2007
Member: Fluffy Pillow
Jul 11 2007
Member: mont293
very helpful.
Jul 2 2007
Member: Steve
he has given me hope!!
May 2 2007
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