Member: Mishka
Honestly, I was not too impressed with his style of counselling. Asks a lot of questions, and I felt a bit annoyed. Doesn't know much about narcissistic personality disorder and stated its fairly new since the 1980's! That's 32 years! Would not recommend for serious trauma or sensitive issues. That being said, he may okay for personal coaching. I think he likes getting down to the nitty gritty and if you want a kick in the butt he will have no problem tackling that aspect. I liked that part. Just a little too quick to jump to conclusions in sensitive areas he doesn't understand. Assumes too much without enough information. Good for a football player (maybe), not so good for sensitive women. In my opinion.
Apr 21 2011
Member: Brandi
Feb 28 2011

  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.