Member: makina
Oct 1 2016
Member: MoonLight
Sep 30 2016
Member: pepetia
Sep 28 2016
Member: rufamova
Sep 27 2016
Member: MoonLight
Sep 26 2016
Member: MoonLight
Sep 25 2016
Member: Chelsea
always honest
Sep 23 2016
Member: User_x8w5es
I just want to say that Gia's prediction came true for me -- she warned me that my ex will pursue another relationship with someone else and won't come back -- well, she is spot on with that and he had been incredibly uncaring towards me, which Gia also warned me about. Thank you for your honesty have no idea how much that means to me. You had the ''balls' to let me know the truth, and not only that, you also pinned my cousin's business deals to a T and saw the outcome correctly......Without your help, we wouldn't know what to do. You had been a light in the darkness and we cannot thank you enough. I wished I had more funds to talk to you! You are indeed one of the very true, gifted readers on here, thanksa million!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 21 2016
Member: User_ux67z6
I'm sorry - I don't like to give negative - but this was different than our last reading - not only that - I wonder if you read that transcript before continuing. But I knew the person in question for a long time - the way you described them was very off from the person I knew - yes we've talked in the last 8 months - they didn't try to "charm me, but were incredibly sincere and apologetic. Also - my own intuition tells me our reading was off - it's not about closure - they did give me closure. I'm learning to trust my own intuition and this just didn't feel right. I'd love to just let this go, but I can't - and I don't really understand why.
Sep 21 2016
Member: MoonLight
Sep 19 2016
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