Member: williamnc
A true professional with a caring heart.
Jul 18 2012
Member: williamnc
Completely awesome, as always!
Jul 13 2012
Member: williamnc
Sharing better news today. Norma has been helping me through very difficult times and it is nice to just be able to talk in a lighter fashion today.
Jul 11 2012
Member: williamnc
Helpful, pleasant, and lovely; as always.
Jul 11 2012
Member: williamnc
Phenomenal! Is there any other way I could put it to get anyone reading this review to understand? Norma is an outstanding counselor with a unique blend of a no-nonsense approach coupled with a non-judgmental attitude. She means a lot to me, personally, and I know she can help others too. It is just her nature to be real but also caring and helpful. I cannot write a positive enough review. Norma is simply a fantastic person to speak with when facing personal difficulties.
Jul 7 2012
Member: williamnc
Sometimes life is difficult and you don't know what to do. Norma empathizes and offers useful and thoughtful guidance.
Jul 6 2012
Member: williamnc
Uncomprising when it comes to important and valuable principles, Norma pushes me when I need it and, yet, shows patience and compassion concerning other aspects of my life, which frustrate even me. Thanks Norma!
Jul 4 2012
Member: williamnc
At points I've faced varying degrees of emotional and mental stressors, which I've sought help with via differing means. Norma has frequently been able to offer advice and direction that has proved helpful to me along the way. I deeply appreciate her guidance and caring words.
Jul 4 2012
Member: williamnc
Norma is very knowledgeable and genuinely empathetic. She has always provided practical advice to try and help me with various aspects of my current situation.
Jul 3 2012
Member: williamnc
A splendid conversation, as always. Norma is terrific!
Jul 2 2012
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  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.