Member: confused
ty so much for your time! very detailed! GBU!
May 18 2011
Member: FaithAnise
Awesome he hits the nail on the head each and every time...Billy is brillant
Apr 10 2011
Member: saz101284
sorry my funds ran out thank u i come bk when i got more sorry x
Mar 31 2011
Member: sea shells2
He has been amazing in his readings. Right on!! each time!!!! Please give him a try!!
Mar 24 2011
Member: texican
Extremely detailed and i must say when i come to him I know i better be prepared for what is shared because it ALWAYS comes to fruition ...but Bill is always honest and i appreciate that because in this way i really do feel better prepared and more sure of what i need to do. Thank you Always very amazing and gifted.....:))........ .........
Mar 23 2011
Member: Kimmie
Very good information. Will come back Thanks
Mar 6 2011
Member: svi
Thank you so much! I'm sorry my funds ran out again but I really enjoyed our conversation! Thank you Billy!!
Mar 6 2011
Member: sea shells2
He has been so amazing.... his readings have been right on target!!!
Feb 26 2011
Member: sliva
Very datailed... but sure.. first you just need to read his script and you will get the info, how the session goes.. It takes a few minutes longer maybe as expected, but for sure is worth to know where you path is.. Good or bad... it is just better to know what you can do better or what can you expect, so Billy, thank you very much, you are great!
Feb 22 2011
Member: sliva
OH :)
Feb 22 2011
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  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.