Member: User_2637054
what I needed when I needed it
Apr 1 2023
Member: Wifi
Always gives excellent advice and amazing support. Thank you!
Mar 25 2023
Member: genebean83
Good advice!
Feb 27 2023
Member: Student Tim
Robert really is a stabilizing force with how to leverage truth about how the Mind body and soul interact. Sometimes I think I have one thing under control and like today I realized some more balance was needed so that I can develop better system level thinking vs lower level observations; todays example of the environmental changes is a great aid to sensing stronger transitioning and better data collection and organization.
Feb 9 2023
Member: Student Tim
Great text (1 cor 13) today on what heavenly rewards are and referencing contexts stirring me to remember the basics of my faith and talk about it as prayers and beliefs can help others and myself think about recovery rest and better relationships.
Dec 31 2022
Member: User_6117393
Sorry that my balance was depleted. Great session as usual.
Dec 23 2022
Member: Student Tim
Was ready to get started on changing circumstances todays lesson gave about 7 points that show caring for self and reaching out in love may require a little more prep still excited but also empowered.
Nov 28 2022
Member: Student Tim
I am excited about reading about faith and deepening understanding there is also importance to talk about other things surrounding passages like fear or evil or rewards. Robert reminds me to develop great friends and also make connections between the readings to pick up on taking corrective action for dealing with trends and using even the negative to an advantage.
Oct 23 2022
Member: User_7897084
Oct 10 2022
Member: Student Tim
This session I was able to slow down a bit and get a better understanding of rich salvation and go to verses for prayer. Robert showed me from a different verse the same things I learned at other time sometimes saying things a little differently brings out the meaning and helps memory all together along with good people skills.
Sep 19 2022
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  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.