Candace Johnson

Candace Johnson Away
Expert in:
Dating & Relationships

Gain the confidence and certainty in your relationship easily and effortlessly. Ask me simple to complex questions about your love life and I will give you phenomenal answers


Master of Science, Mental Health Counseling, St. Thomas University, Bachelor of Psychology, Florida A&M University, Certified Crisis Counselor Information & Referral 211 United Way, Certified Coach Practitioner, Certified Coaches Federation (CCF), Inc.

My Expert Service

Empowering you to become a better person and an amazing partner. Personal growth and maturity comes along with understanding and being yourself while you are with someone else. I specialize in coaching others on: Starting, maintaining, & getting over a relationship; Attraction: how it is formed and how it is ruined; Determining Compatibility.

Experience & Qualifications

Conducted and presented naturalistic observational studies on verbal and nonverbal communication between men and women. Demonstrated central research findings and results on significant partner preferences. Completed numerous in-person, and telephone interviews with men and women on relationship issues.